Heavenly Weightlessness
Twisting, turning, running, jumping...doing whatever I can to drop 177lbs and evolve into a healthy, fit me.
Monday, August 28, 2006
When you least expect it...a loss!
I had a GREAT weekend, and it was especially nice to get on the scale this afternoon and see I've lost another 2lbs. I can't believe it in light of eating a few naughty things last weekend with UT. I'm just sitting here thinking...I've finally reached the blesssssed 100lb milestone!!!! YIPEEEEEEEEE! I've continued doing the 3-5 mile trecks around the park in the mornings, and am still doing a few weeknights at the gym. I'm too cheap to allow too much time to go buy without getting to the gym...lol.

My sister is visiting with my nephew, and I'm acutely aware of how much of a bachelorette me and my daughter are...I'm thinking they're very unhappy right about now, and we still have a week to go!

So... the undertaker is a younger man (three years my senior) and quite credentialed in ministry - having formerly been an associate pastor. He's divorced with a son who's in his first year of college. Dark and mysterious looking...he's kind and generous, has an amazing sense of humor that I find refreshing, and we have quite a few like- passions in common. We've been talking by phone since the first day we met online, and have come into an intense liking of each other :). I told him early about my weight loss endeavors, which was kind of funny but inconsequential. He does likes what he seeeees...lol...and can't believe I was over 300lbs before. I find it funny when people can't imagine you any other way than they see you now. He happens to have an average build, and since talking to me has grown a renewed interest in working out and achieving fitness. He walks a lot, and our visits have encompassed scenic walks around Alabama lakes and up Georgia mountain trails. Talk about cheap dates! :) He's investigating schools in Atlanta and looking to transfer here in January. I'm psyched! Anywho, there's a little info for those who've been wondering.
posted by heavenlydm @ 5:16 PM  
  • At 12:32 AM, Blogger Emily said…

    How exciting Diane! All of it. I mean, 100 pounds?! That is something to celebrate. And it sounds like you have found a great guy in UT (by the way, I love his nickname). I'm glad to see you have developed such an intense liking for each other. Thank you for letting us in on your new romance. I was so curious with the teasers you gave us. I'm so happy for you! He sounds like a great man.

  • At 10:46 AM, Blogger Bob said…

    Congratulations on hitting the century mark!!! You must feel an enormous sense of accomplishment. A feeling you absolutely deserve.

    I am really happy for you and your budding relationship. I can sense your happiness in your writing. Thanks for sharing.

  • At 2:06 PM, Blogger Caré said…

    Okay, I stopped reading after 100 pounds!


    You GO Girl!


    WAY TO GO!

    Now I need to go finish reading . . . LOL!

  • At 7:00 PM, Blogger Sue said…

    I know I'm a little late on this, but CONGRATS on the 100-lb milestone! You must/should be so PROUD, lady!!

    And, best of luck, in your new employment opportunities!

  • At 7:14 PM, Blogger Paul said…

    I've been absent for a little while just dropping by to see what's going on. The description of UT was very interesting. Glad you are doing well - or were 3 weeks ago when you wrote this LOL. :-)

  • At 7:35 PM, Blogger Emily said…

    Where are you, Diane? I miss you. Come visit. I want more dirt on UT. Did you elope?

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Name: heavenlydm
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