Heavenly Weightlessness
Twisting, turning, running, jumping...doing whatever I can to drop 177lbs and evolve into a healthy, fit me.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Walking in the rain
This past weekend was a blast, and I attended the best church picnic ever. There were kiddie attractions, tournaments, food galore and hundreds and hundreds of people there. I ate the best bbq...pulled chicken and pork and a little bit of baked beans - yum. I hadn't seen many folks in years, so of course I had to go through the motions of how much I've changed outwardly. It was nice. Our church is unique in that, although we have a couple thousand members, we have seven services and in essence seven mini-churches within the whole so that people can feel connected. I once attended a large church in Metro Atlanta that boasted more than 20,000 members. When I went for worship it felt more like an arena than church because of all the people there, the multi-media presentations and the concert-like worship experience. It works for some, and while it was all grand, it was very overwhelming - especially as a new attendee. In any case, I had to find somewhere I wouldn't get lost in the mix and where somebody would miss me if I wasn't around. I love my church, I love the people, and I love the idea that if I have a conflict, I have six other options for attendance on the weekend. With all that said, we celebrated the church's 20th anniversary. Though my teams didn't win the tournaments, we are still champions :).

I've had a great time with exercise within the past few days as I got to switch things up a bit because of the volleyball tournament. One of my biggest accomplishments for the weekend was being persistent about taking a walk in the park. The sky was crackling with thunder and the threat of rain, but I decided to do it anyway, and instead of doing a quicking mile I did three (in the rain). I found that quite rewarding and my body felt like I hadn't done anything at all and could have kept going. That was great.

I've managed to slip downward into another size - hallelujah - yeah - yippe doooooo! It sort of came out of nowhere and was a nice surprise. The icing on that was a two pound loss for last week, bringing the total to -84lbs. By the way my heart feels you'd think I lost five or eight pounds. I feel so good about the scale moving again, so inspired, and I'm gonna ride the feeling out (because we all know feelings come and go). I've been trying to visualize myself down a few more sizes, and it's so foreign. I guess I'll have to see it when I get there. In the meantime, hi-ho....
posted by heavenlydm @ 8:22 AM  
  • At 1:44 PM, Blogger Caré said…

    Sounds like you had a wonderful time! And good job on being persistent. I need to get a little more persistent with myself.

    WOO HOO on the clothing size! I decided today that I needed to break down and buy a couple pairs of pants for summer. It's getting embarassing . . .

  • At 10:52 PM, Blogger Paul said…

    Congrats on the two pounds down. You're doing great. As for the smaller clothing sizes, Wayne Dyer says, "You see it when you believe it." So keep visualizing it.

    Glad you had a great time at the church picnic - and congrats on your dedication to walking in the rain. I did that once but haven't done it lately.

    Keep up the great job.

  • At 11:55 AM, Blogger O' Natur Nail said…

    wow, you are doing fantastic!!! congrats on going down a size, WOOT!

  • At 11:08 PM, Blogger Jamie said…

    Wooo Weee....walking in the rain! Sounds exhilerating....except for that sentence about the sky and it crackling with thunder. I am assuming lightning wasn't far behind. I would have been outta there! That is one of my biggest fears!!

    Anyway....way to go. 2lbs down....a clothing size down. Excellent. 84 pounds. Woo Hoo!

    Glad you had a good time at your church picnic.

  • At 7:17 PM, Blogger Emily said…

    Congrats on the two pounds. I know how great that feels when you've been stuck for a while. Trust me. I'd do anything for a two pound loss right now. Going down a size is even better. And good job on the volleyball tournament. Who cares if you won? You played your boo-tay off, right? :)

  • At 10:16 PM, Blogger Bear said…

    Pounds are nice, but dropping a size is soooo much better. Congrats on both!

    3 miles?!?! In the rain?!?! Dang girl! I know I can't manage 3 miles, and rain.... forget it. Such commitment, good for you!

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