Heavenly Weightlessness
Twisting, turning, running, jumping...doing whatever I can to drop 177lbs and evolve into a healthy, fit me.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Weekend Off Plan
Last weekend I went way off the beaten path (missed five days at the gym and ate things I usually wouldn't) and enjoyed my daughter's birthday party, and my sister's birthday two days later. It was nice to be free to do that without feeling like a failure or a bad person. I gave myself a pass, and now I'm back on plan. The party was a great success Friday night. I had the most fun hosting "Let's Make a Deal." I had several adults say they'd love for me to give them a party, and the younger folk say how much they enjoyed themselves. In fact, it was such a hit that the word passed around church. Most importantly, my daughter had fun. Yay, that's over now...whew!

I'm now having to reckon with hair loss, and it's not making me feel great. My hair is one of my favorite things I like, and it was already thinning with age. Over the past few months I've seen a noticeable difference in how much I'm loosing, so much so that I'm thinking of giving up chemical relaxers and going natural (a big deal for colored folks). I thought I was going to be an exception and not have to deal with this by-product of weight loss....sigh. There are so many little things like this that are tied into our identity and how we perceive ourselves. Who'd have thought it would be such a big deal? It is to me. Would I trade a few hairs for losing weight? Absolutely...lol.
posted by heavenlydm @ 1:21 PM  
  • At 2:30 PM, Blogger Paul said…

    Glad your daughter's birthday party went off without a hitch and that it was so well received. Sounds like you could definitely be a party planner.

    So you had a little break, the important thing is now you are back on track.

    Sorry to hear about the hair loss. I know what you mean, I had a really full head of hair (as you can see from my profile picture) but now it is much thinner and I read somewhere that's a side effect from one of the meds I am on. I am working hard to get off of that one if possible.

    Wishing you success this week as you recommit.

  • At 6:54 PM, Blogger CarĂ© said…

    Hey Girl! The b-day party sounds great!

    Okay, on the hair loss thing . . I started losing my hair about 2 years ago. It was bad - I looked like an old man doing a comb over. I used a product called Curtage (www.curtage.com) and that really helped. You may want to check it out. Also, laying off the chemicals for a while may help. And, you may want to ensure you have a good multi-vitamin. Those things seemed to have worked for me. I don't have as much hair as I'd like, but I don't look like grandpa anymore.


  • At 7:53 PM, Blogger Emily said…

    Glad the party went well. You can plan a party for me anytime. I can TOTALLY understand the feelings on hair loss. We women really use our hair as part of our identity, and it's hard to deal with losing it. If it is from weight loss, that can sometimes be temporary. Your body is in shock from losing so much, but then it grows back. I had an aunt who had this happen to. Good luck with it. There are a lot of good products out there to help with it.

  • At 10:48 AM, Blogger Bob said…

    Very happy the party went well for you and that you and your daughter enjoyed it. That is just wonderful. Now that all of that is behind you, I am sure you will get back on plan. I believe you just are good like that. I am sorry to hear about the hair loss. It likely is temporary and related to the changes that your body is going through. Wishing you all of the best.

  • At 11:20 AM, Blogger Scarlett O'Hara said…

    You're good at party's...I'm good at taking pictures....let's start our own "At Home" business!!!

    DiJa Parties (Diane & Jan, get it? hehehe)

    I started losing my hair like 15 yrs ago now. :( yes, it bothers me greatly. But I have had to just ignore the blantant blad patch in the back. I wore a hair piece for my wedding tho. My friend at work who did my hair and makeup (she use to that all the time) got the hair piece for me and did an awesome job. I took to my hairdresser, she dyed my hair to match the piece and no one could tell. the only part of my hair showing was my front bangs. Everyone thought it was my hair. LOL

    but i know how you feel. My sister has gorgeous thick hair and I have nothing.

  • At 10:36 PM, Blogger Cara said…

    I haven't been to your blog in a while. Oh my! Your new pictures are great! I'm SO impressed with how well you're doing.


  • At 11:06 PM, Blogger Bear said…

    Nothing wrong with a little break. One thing I say all the time about weight loss is that you still need to enjoy yourself from time to time (and yes, sometimes that enjoyment includes food!). I hear so many people develop a hatred for their diet and quit when they feel it is causing them to miss out. The only thing we need to watch out for is continuing with these breaks. Sounds like you have had your fun and are right back on track!

    As for the hair loss, I guess for the moment I am luck (or I haven't noticed). My hair is a strong feature for me, don't really want to lose it. Lets just hope it's temporary like Em's aunt.

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