Heavenly Weightlessness
Twisting, turning, running, jumping...doing whatever I can to drop 177lbs and evolve into a healthy, fit me.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
I've been out-of-pocket for a little bit, recovering from loosing my job a couple weeks ago. It was such a blessing in disguise as I was planning on looking for a new job this fall, and the events that transpired just accelerated my plans. I'm going to work for an outreach ministry to Costa Rica and am very excited about it, and will also be going back to school for nursing, hopefully full-time. It's amazing how God works out everything for the good and takes what appears to be negative and turns it into the biggest blessings. He's the greatest.

I've been maintaining during this time, which is funny because I always thought more freedom with my time throughout the day would allow me to do more in the fitness arena. On the contrary, the routine has changed and I'm having to work out new routines to suit my schedule. My primary mode of exercise these days is walking 3-5 miles every morning. I've been doing evening workouts at the gym a couple days a week as well.

So...in a weird coincidence...UT got laid off a few days after me, so we both are going through the same transitions. How freak is that??? LOL This is not a layoff from undertaking...lol...which he does part-time. Nope, still handling those dead bodies...lol. We will be connecting again this weekend, and I'm SO excited. Perhaps once this weekend passes, I'll spill some beans. I'm such a tease, I know...lol.

I've been missing my regular round of blog reading and hope to get back on track soon.

Happy 2'sday!
posted by heavenlydm @ 11:43 AM  
  • At 7:32 PM, Blogger Sue said…

    Spill, woman, spill!!

  • At 2:03 PM, Blogger Caré said…

    I agree with Sue - SPILL IT!

    Glad to hear things are looking up on the job front. It sounds like your career choice will be very rewarding.

  • At 2:13 PM, Blogger O' Natur Nail said…

    ooh the mission field, no doubt that has got to be very rewarding!! good luck in your newest endeavors!!

  • At 2:28 AM, Blogger Moby Dick said…

    Good luck with your ministry and the weight loss!

  • At 9:55 PM, Blogger Emily said…

    Wow, it sounds like you have some interesting opportunities ahead of you. That is quite the coincidence. And yes, do tell. Have a great weekend. And PRETTY PLEASE will you spill the beans???? You're killing me here!

  • At 3:55 PM, Blogger Cara said…

    Okay, so now we're ALL dying for you to spill it.


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