Heavenly Weightlessness
Twisting, turning, running, jumping...doing whatever I can to drop 177lbs and evolve into a healthy, fit me.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Sweet home Alabama?

Last Sunday I met "The Undertaker" (U.T.) in person, having an afternoon rendez-vouz at a lake in Alabama. It was quite beautiful, and I was especially taken by the covered bridge which was relocated from its original location. We have several beautiful ones in Georgia that have been restored, one not far from my home. This one is pine and was erected in 1850.

I noticed the honeycombs right away and thought them noteworthy.

I found the trip to Alabama one of great contemplation and reflection. I was suddenly aware of the south and all my biases against it, especially for places like Alabama and Arkansas. You see, in my mind nothing good came from Alabama...and nobody worth taking notice of is from there or lives there. It's kind of like what was said about Nazareth in the bible (nothing good comes from there - even though Jesus lived there...lol). Anywho, I became really convicted and repentant about judgements I made in the past and biases about the south and people from the south. Here are a few...1) it's backwards (slow as all hell), 2) the people are slow and ignorant (especially evident in the southern twang of their speech...for God sakes, what intelligent person can't pronounce Coca Cola (co-cola in southernese)? 3) everyone is racist, black, white and other (and every caucasian has some confederate flag - hidden or visible...we won the war guys!) 4) everybody eats unhealthy food, 5) republican up the wazoo 6)no culture (outside of the traditional southern-hick one) 7) creator and perpetuator of the trailer park...I could go on and on.

We walked several miles around this beautiful lake, and I really took in the imagery, especially liking the view of the surrounding mountains. No pics of "UT"...a story for some other time, but I will say - great chemistry.

I had a tough pms week - I always give myself seven days of grace...calling it out to my family members so they'll know why my alter-ego has appeared. Anywho, I had several nights of Quaker cheese flavored snack mix and white chili (yum) and consequently I had a slight fluctuation upward. I'm actually not sure how real this is seeing as I worked my butt off in the gym, but I'll wait it out until after hell week is over to figure out where I am. No official weigh in for two weeks. I can actually see a consistent pattern now of loosing, fluctuating up or maintaining, and then letting go of the water weight. Since February I'm loosing an average of 3-5lbs a month, which I decided I'll gladly take. It took some getting use to initially, but I'm seeing so much progress with my body that I'm content.

My sister is visiting from Boston this weekend so I'm excited about having a great family visit.

Happy Weekending!
posted by heavenlydm @ 7:31 AM  
  • At 2:12 PM, Blogger Emily said…

    Looks like it was a beautiful trip. Those are great photos, and almost makes me want to go there.

    Now I want to hear more about UT! I want the dirt. Glad there was good chemistry. Chemistry is very important!

  • At 5:38 PM, Blogger Caré said…

    Yep, I want to hear the dirt on UT also!

    I'm from Texas. Usually when people come here they ask to see my horse and my gun. I have neither!

    I do have the drawl, though. My northern clients always giggle when I slip up and say "ya'll".

  • At 2:14 PM, Blogger Sue said…

    The pics are awesome. Very inviting! Personally, I love the South and I've never lived there. Maybe that's why I love it so much. Every time I'm down there I am amazed at how nice and friendly everyone is, the home-iness and traditions. I've lived in PA all my life and believe me, I know it when I'm back -- esp the rudeness of alot of Philadelphians! (Not all, just alot)

    Anyway, DISH GIRL! We would like a teaser about UT at least!

  • At 3:31 PM, Blogger O' Natur Nail said…

    tag- you're it! see my blog for details!!

  • At 5:05 PM, Blogger Paul said…

    Let's see I'll work backwards. First I'm glad that Tressa tagged you because I was going to but started at the Z's and worked backwards so I had 5 people way before I got to the D's.

    I think I lost a lot of my preconceived notions about the south when we drove to Missippi to visit Will's brother and sister-in-law in August 2003 (has it really been 3 years?). But I still have nightmares about UT (as in Utah not as in the Undetaker LOL). In fact one of my friends that I used to work with who now lives in New Mexico gave me a bunch of books and bookmarks for my birthday and one of the bookmarks was from UT (Bryce Canyon) and I thought - ick it's from Utah - I don't even want this in my house - HEY I guess that could have been one of my five weird things, eh? It doesn't help that we have a Mormon governor right now either.

    Yes we want details on UT (the Undertaker) and it does sound like you had a great time.

    It also sounds like you have your weight loss pattern figured out. I'm working on mine but I'm finding something similiar without TOM of course :-)

    And lastly send your sister back to Boston we need her here!!

  • At 11:58 PM, Blogger Jamie said…

    So Diane....how do you really feel?? LOL!! I have never been but the pictures are beautiful!!! I especially love the covered bridge. I'm glad it turned out to be a good time and that things are progressing with UT.

    Wow! As I am typing this your photobucket pictures are scrolling by. Wow! You have done amazing things. Before I fell off the wagon I had slowed to about 5 pounds a month also. It's hard, but they do add up and your proof, now if I can just get it through my thick head!

    Take care!

  • At 9:59 AM, Blogger Cara said…

    Sorry I've been so out of touch lately. I'm just catching up on your blog. Looks like you're still doing great.

    By the way, my son used to be a huge fan of the undertaker. lol


  • At 1:38 PM, Blogger Caré said…

    You've been TAGGED!

    See my blog for details!

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