Heavenly Weightlessness
Twisting, turning, running, jumping...doing whatever I can to drop 177lbs and evolve into a healthy, fit me.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Sorry...not spilling the beans

I had a pretty good weekend and great visit with my sister. I've been particularly vulnerable with the "hell week" eaties, but it's only temporary and I will not be denied a loss! I've been so emotionally sensitive for the past two weeks (PMS and then...the blessed-cursed week...LOL) that I'm holding on to these merry-go-round rails for dear life. It's the usual...changes-changes-changes and life.

I'm not sure I can spill the beans on UT as of yet - be patient with me folks :).

I've been tagged {The player of this game starts with "Five weird things/habits about yourself". In the end you need to choose five people to be tagged and list their names. The people who get tagged need to write a blog entry about their five weird things/habits, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag five more victims. Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says "you're tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog}, so here are five weird things about me:

1) I sleep with/on at least four to five pillows every night...lol. I just can't lay flat.

2) If I have a cup of milk and someone wants a sip, I can't drink after them (only milk).

3) I can walk through a store (any kind), fill a shopping cart, and leave without
buying a single thing. I like shopping and don't actually have to buy...lol

4) I don't touch bathroom door knobs after I've washed my hands - they have to be handled with the paper towel I've dried my hands with or if there are none I manuever with something else. NO...I don't have OCD...LOL

5) When I have a favorite movie, I can watch it (or it watches me if I fall asleep to it) over and over and over for days. My latest...Something New and Pride and Prejudice. I've seen Love and Basketball, The Patriot and Braveheart so many times I should know the lines by now.

I'm tagging Bob...the only person who doesn't appear to have been tagged yet...LOL!
posted by heavenlydm @ 10:06 AM  
  • At 9:51 PM, Blogger Paul said…

    Just milk? I won't drink anything out of a glass, bottle, can or other container after someone has had a sip - EWE. I have the same movie type behavior with songs and albums, but not movies.

    Glad you got tagged ;-)

    OH Yeah - great pictures - love the couch.

  • At 11:24 PM, Blogger Scarlett O'Hara said…

    Awesome pics below!! Im glad you had such a great time with your UT. hehe...

  • At 12:00 PM, Blogger Emily said…

    Patience is not one of my strong points. I want to hear about UT!!! But I understand.

    I, too, can fill a cart at any store and not buy a thing. I used to do that all the time when I was poor. It was fun to entertain the possibility of buying the items, but in the end I was happier not buying anything, so I'd put it all back. I've never known anyone else to do that.

  • At 12:01 PM, Blogger Emily said…

    Patience is not one of my strong points. I want to hear about UT!!! But I understand.

    I, too, can fill a cart at any store and not buy a thing. I used to do that all the time when I was poor. It was fun to entertain the possibility of buying the items, but in the end I was happier not buying anything, so I'd put it all back. I've never known anyone else to do that.

  • At 8:18 AM, Blogger Bob said…

    Great pictures, Diane. Thanks for sharing them. And thanks for the tag too. I will put my weird things up soon.

  • At 11:21 PM, Blogger Bear said…

    Hey Diane, sorry it took me so long to stop by again.

    Still stringing us along on UT, ok, ok we can wait LOL!

    Interesting list, and with the exception of 3 I can relate to each of them.

    Haven't heard from you in awhile, hope everything is going well. Keep smiling!

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