Heavenly Weightlessness
Twisting, turning, running, jumping...doing whatever I can to drop 177lbs and evolve into a healthy, fit me.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
...still going...
Thanks for the nudge to post Emily ...I'm still going at it over here. I've been trying to figure out some template problems before posting again, which obviously have taken too long. I haven't really had the time to read what's going on with other folks as well. Anywho, I post anyway, into the clear black hole of cyberspace hoping I'll be able to retain this for future reference.

I suffered a cold a couple weeks ago which severely challenged my determination to uphold gym-whore status. It took a lot, but I managed to keep myself home in bed. I've lost a few lbs and continue to press toward breaking the 250lb barrier. I'm the lightest I've been since being in Georgia and meeting all the people I know here. I'm constantly being approached now with comments on how much my face has changed (though I can't see it in the mirror, of course), and how great I look. I took a look at my "before" pic and can't believe I was so big. Wow.

It occured to me that a pattern of backsliding into snacking has arisen, which I attribute to my comfort level with the current status quo. It was a horrible realization. I don't want to stay where I am, yet I realize I look a lot better than I have this decade. Having reached a point where I can wear my shirts tucked in has brought me to such a high that I lost the determination to move past snacking to reach my next goal. So I refocus. Besides, the scale has been moving much too slow lately.

My body, on the other hand, is transforming into a lean machine. I have progressed with the weights I'm lifting to heavier lbs, and am able to run forward and backward on the elliptical - which alluded me for some time. I feel like a kid who has learned new tricks and have to supress the silly grin that crosses my face every time I toggle between directions. I'm able to cover a lot more distance than before in a shorter time, and work at more challenging resistance levels. I've worked my way up in the number of squats and lunges I'm able to do (my least favorite exercise of all time), and have some pretty solid quads. So firm that my daughter is now taking the strength class I am so she can build hers up as well. It's all good up in here!

I miss all my bloggy buddies. Don't count me out folks.
posted by heavenlydm @ 12:50 PM  
  • At 2:37 PM, Blogger Emily said…

    Yay! She's back! I missed you. And I would never count you out. Sounds like you are doing quite well, and I'm glad you are over your cold. I know what you mean about the snacking and whatnot. Keep your eye on that goal. I'll bet you are becoming a lean machine. You are my gym whore idol!

  • At 12:11 PM, Blogger Shorty Montes said…

    You Go Diane,

    We can all make it. Just by putting that one foot in front of the other one and making baby steps if that is what We need to do. Resting was probably better when you were sick. Good for you in pushing yourself to do that.

    I have been slipping off the blogg worl also, but I am sliding back in.

    Hope to read from u again soon.

    Shorty G

  • At 9:27 AM, Blogger Bob said…

    I hear you, Diane. I too am a little too comfortable with where I am right now. I am chugging towards my April 30 goal and am 9 pounds away, but it feels so good just to be at this point that I am not as motivated as maybe I should be.

    You know what though? We can do this. Look at what we have accomplished to date. We just need to refocus and rededicate. I know we will too.

  • At 9:51 AM, Blogger Bob said…

    I hear you, Diane. I too am a little too comfortable with where I am right now. I am chugging towards my April 30 goal and am 9 pounds away, but it feels so good just to be at this point that I am not as motivated as maybe I should be.

    You know what though? We can do this. Look at what we have accomplished to date. We just need to refocus and rededicate. I know we will too.

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Name: heavenlydm
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