Heavenly Weightlessness
Twisting, turning, running, jumping...doing whatever I can to drop 177lbs and evolve into a healthy, fit me.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
I'm bored. So bored. Bored. Perhaps a little anxious. I'm anxious for something new to happen, something new to look forward to. Sigh. I'm bored. I'm bored with my hair and want to cut it all off. I'm not exaggerating...I mean having less than an inch on my coiffe. I'm desperate for a new look and for my hair to be chemical free. I just don't have the guts to go in somewhere and let them do it for not wanting to regret the decision, or to go too drastic. I just need to go somewhere where I can preview the cut on my face before doing it. Still, in the meantime...I'm bored.

I'm bored at the gym again, mainly with my cardio. I met and instructor who's willing to teach me how to play raquetball (how hard can it be?), and I'm looking to take some new classes so I can vary my workouts. I haven't found anything yet, so - you guessed it - I'm still bored. I love routines, and I hate routines. It's mostly that I like structure, but I need variety, lots of variety.

Moving on from the boring...

I got my body fat measured last weekend and it was a whopping 44% or 113lbs. I was sure it would have been lower, but perhaps I underestimated how high it was to begin with. I never measured it when I started NS. If nothing else, it's a marker. You do have to think though, about having an "Oprah-esqe" moment with a red rider wagon filled with 113lbs of lard. Sickening thought. In that vein, all that fat should be melting and/or oozing out every time I sit in the sauna...LOL!

In the home drama department...
I've got termites!!! My house is on a concrete slab - all except the portion under the master bath where they're infiltrating and marching up into the attic. The house is treated regularly every year, but these buggers found their own way. Fortunately I'll be able to the have the house treated and concrete poured to take care of it. This is the likely explanation for why I came through the ceiling last year. I can't remember if I wrote this story before. It's hillarious now, but it was a shocking adventure at the time. For the first time in my life, I was walking on air - literally! LOL I went to light the pilot on the furnace and walked on the rafters like usual...except when all of a sudden I went through the floor and my feet were hanging down from the ceiling in my closet. It was quite a sight, but the funny thing was I was immediately impressed with how strong my core was at the time. I didn't feel stressed hanging from the ceiling. I should have done a nice gymnastic dismount to get down.

In eating news...
I'm suffering from the same plight as Emily...having hell week munchies and trying to make the best of it. God help us! Oh dear God, please let this be a short stint. Meanwhile, like everything else...food has been pretty boring too. Go figure.
posted by heavenlydm @ 10:30 AM  
  • At 9:34 AM, Blogger heavenlydm said…

    I'm sure you're right about the fat...I just never would have guessed it. I've been thinking about boxing too.

    My munchies aren't for chocolate (thank God...lol) - I just want to eat. Yesterday it was nuts. Planter's has a SB Diet version of mixed nuts that are so yummy...and I wanna just keep eating them, or pretzles . It's hard. We will make it through.

  • At 4:33 PM, Blogger Bear said…

    Doesn't the body fat number suck? It will get better. I started out at 46.9 and now am reading 43.2. Still one heck of a lot of fat (130 lbs of it!!).

  • At 7:22 PM, Blogger Emily said…

    We miss you, Diane! How are you? We want a new post. It's been two whole weeks!

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Name: heavenlydm
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