Heavenly Weightlessness
Twisting, turning, running, jumping...doing whatever I can to drop 177lbs and evolve into a healthy, fit me.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Marathon Woman in the Making???
I have amazed myself…

I missed the gym the other day for feeling under the weather…I’d had a low grade temp for most of the day. I decided to make it up in the park across the street from the house. There’s a nicely marked one mile walking/jogging track that circles around tennis courts, a play area, basketball and volleyball courts, a picnic area and two duck ponds. It’s nice to just be able to frolic there. Anywho, I got my daughter out of the house and I amazed myself. I decided I wanted to try jogging a little bit.

Now I’ve wanted to run for years, and haven’t done it since high school when I played basketball every day. The thought of the pounding on my knees and feet was too much to bear, so I put the notion in my mental filing cabinet for whenever. Every time I watch the biggest looser I think to myself…these people are bigger than I am and they’re running. Why can’t I??? So I did! Surprisingly my daughter followed behind me and passed me a few times. I felt like I had just crossed the finish line and won a gold medal. It took us 20 minutes to cover what we’d usually walk in 45. I actually couldn’t believe I was jogging. I had such a great time doing it that I took another stab at it at 5am. It felt great.

Now I’m sitting at my desk with ice on my knee (proactive therapy), and have already iced my heels proactively…with a cheesy grin on my face. I’m the winner!

For the past few days my boss has been at a retreat, which meant I had to oversee 24 testosterone-full guys. What was most interesting was their complaint that they needed a break from my boss. What??? He’s the most gracious and merciful employer I’ve ever dealt with – corporate, private-sector, non-profit, profit, service industry, non-service, religious community, non-religious…I’m like you’ve gotta be kidding me. I watch daily as he gives guys who would otherwise be written off or fired second and seventh chances. Sometimes I’m stupefied by the application of grace and mercy, however, I believe it’s better to err on the side of mercy than judgment. I couldn’t believe it, and I’m sure they just don’t get it.

It’s funny how it takes you being removed from a situation to see just how blessed you are/were. We can so easily take people for granted too. So…I live each day thankful. I’m grateful for God being in my life and where He’s brought me from. I’m grateful for all the people God has surrounded me with in life, where I live, the things I have and thankful in advance for what’s ahead. I’ve only been out of the country twice, but each time I could see how blessed I am to have been born in America (contrary to popular opinion) and to live here in such luxury – housing, running water, sewage systems and garbage disposal, refrigeration, transportation, jobs, churches, friends, access to medical care (though I am currently uninsured), computers, libraries, schools, parks, entertainment – none of this limited to a certain socio-economic circle…I am truly thankful.

Now, about being uninsured...
It was actually a godsend at the time. I put in an application at work for Individual coverage (we're a small business and there's no group plan) and it was rejected because of my weight in proportion to my height. At the time I was totally insensed - could have turned into the hulk, but later I realized it was probably one of the final last straws to get my butt kicked into gear for weight loss. Prior to that, because my daughter was so much heavier and had been having health problems, I was solely focused on her - totally hypocritical, pot and kettle type thinking. It's gonna be nice going in for verification of my weight and having the insurance company amazed.

I missed my regular weigh-in on Tuesday so I’m curious to see just where I am. Hopefully I will have a good showing despite going nutty for a few days. Onward and downward…
posted by heavenlydm @ 9:32 AM  
  • At 12:23 PM, Blogger Hey Lady said…

    WOW, Diane!! What a great, uplifting, inspirational post! YOU made me want to go out and run! I am so proud of you...what a super example you are to your daughter. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY for you! Not only that, but you must be a great asset to your boss...I hope he realizes how valuable you are to him and to the company! Keep it up, girl.
    you rock! Sue

  • At 12:46 PM, Blogger Karon said…

    All wonderful news, Diane. I'm so proud of you for going out and running. I know what you mean about watching the biggest loser and thinking if they can do I can too! That's one of the ways I motivate myself.

    For sure, the next time I'm trucking down to Florida, I'll let you know and stop in. We usually stop in Dalton for the night as it's the half-way point for us. Nine hours to there and nine more to Tampa. It probably won't be for a while, but I will stop.

  • At 1:54 PM, Blogger heavenlydm said…

    Sue...thanks for cheering me on! I love my boss, his wife and family. It's been refreshing to work for him and I do feel appreciated. I hope I can be a living testament to everyone around me, displaying positive things. My daughter inspires me too :o). Thanks for the note - I feel all warm and fuzzy inside :).

    Karon...thanks for the affirmation. I think we have a big advantage over the folks on that show. I'm nervous for them and how fast they're all taking their weight off. That makes me even more proud of us NS'ers. We've gotta get our own show! :o)

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Name: heavenlydm
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