Heavenly Weightlessness
Twisting, turning, running, jumping...doing whatever I can to drop 177lbs and evolve into a healthy, fit me.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Immature (childish): doing what feels good.
Maturity: delaying gratification.
The mature/adults devise a plan and follow it. Dave Ramsey

Man o' man is that truth. Much of my experience so far has been to reprogram what gratification and the "feel good" actually is...it's gratifying to see scale victories every week. I have had to reprogram myself to know what is good and healthy for me - what is beneficial at the time. That makes me feel good. I so much prefer the high I get knowing I'm doing something great for myself - I'm eating to build a better future. I had to find out what things I can have and eat now and be okay with vs. what the food industry wants to shovel in my face. Planning - totally empowering. All of this has given me a new found freedom.

One of the truths I've been able to prove in a vaccuum over the last few days is that high protein, low carb actually works. So, I was having a particularly hard time sticking to portion sizes when eating my deserts which were not low glycemic. After a few days I realized I wasn't getting enough protein daily. I decided to take a time-out and eat some high protein meal replacement bars and the usual fruit/salad/veggies - just to break the routine and help reinforce the discipline I need. I was reluctant at first but the hours would fly by with such great satisfaction that I'd forget to eat the next meal. I'm hoping that I have a good showing this week on the scale as a result, but more importantly I know how to nix the snack/desertfest.

This "discipline" has definitely helped every area of my life: my relationships, finances, ministry...everything is positively affected. Carving out a new me has been wonderful.

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man I put childish ways behind me. 1 Corinthians 13:11.

In other news...the raise is on the way with a bonus on top. How good is that??? I think about the goodness of God - I don't feel as though I deserve a whole lot compared to my flaws and shortcoming, but God is kind and gracious enough to pour out His love and show me signs that He loves me and wants to bless me just because I'm His child. That's so awesome!

The weekend was nice and peaceful - except for not having access to my computer until today. That made me think - it's not like when your microwave goes out and you have to use a stove for a day. When the 'puter is out life is almost over...lol.

...putting my childish ways behind me.
posted by heavenlydm @ 1:47 PM  
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