Heavenly Weightlessness
Twisting, turning, running, jumping...doing whatever I can to drop 177lbs and evolve into a healthy, fit me.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Scale report: -2lbs, 35lbs lost to date.

I've been wondering what the "normal" food thought life is for a person who's not overweight. I mean, I've had a love affair with food for so long...I'm constantly having to refocus my mental energy away from what I'm going to eat or things I can cook. I had a friend who was 100lbs soaking wet once tell me and my sister that she didn't think about (obsess is what she wanted to say) food like we do. At the time we were concerned about her lack of energy and frail frame. That was 10 years ago, and I never forgot it.

I don't really miss too many foods I use to eat, just having the option to eat them. There's a guy who comes by our office and brings dozens of Krispy Kreme donuts and Popeye's fried chicken with the fixens almost weekly. When I see it in the office I'm not even tempted. Yesterday I looked inside a box of Folks fried chicken in an as a matter of fact sort of way. Mouth didn't water, no envy...nothing. I didn't want it. Even in the supermarket I don't struggle with buying the right foods. However, I do struggle with "desert time" when I can't decide if I'll have low fat pringles, reduced fat cheese nips...whatever - and they're like Lays to me - who can eat just one (serving)? LOL The thought of dowsing my system with loads of carbs/sugar is sort of sickening at this point. What a nice place to be!

...and now for the "daughter report." Ya...she weighed in last night and lost another five lbs. Amazing. I asked her if she could see herself mentally at her goal weight, and she hasn't really thought about it. I'm so proud of her.

In other ramblings...last night at church a woman told me she was intimidated by me - looked over at me with big puppy dog eyes full of tears. My response was - what, little ol' me? LOL. I told her I could understand how she'd feel that way about the big black lady who cuts straight to the chase. If she knew me she'd know that, while I'm passionate about excellence and things being done right and in order, I'm also passionate about seeing people's hearts and people reaching their God-given potential. I knew my style - my confidence - was overwhelming in relation to her timidness and insecurity. In any case, it brought me right back to the "big, black, church lady" image. There's such a cross-cultural misconception about who I am in relation to what I look (and sound) like. In the meantime, I continue to be me and love diversity. I will not back down from the table because others are uncomfortable and I'm committed to dialogue until we have understanding (and can relate to one another). It was God's idea to put us all down here together :o).
posted by heavenlydm @ 2:32 PM  
  • At 2:54 PM, Blogger Bob said…

    Great post, Diane. I too no longer have the temptations I used to have. Moreover, I know that if I stray from the plan from time to time, I will not do irreversible damage.

    You have a great attitude towards all of this. Congrats on all of your success.

    By the way, I want to thank you for your comment. The use of the word construction really hit home for me. I was able to picture this beaten down place that needed to be torn down and rebuilt to be better. And that is me right now. Thank you for that.

    Have a great day and keep up the excellent work.

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Name: heavenlydm
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