Heavenly Weightlessness
Twisting, turning, running, jumping...doing whatever I can to drop 177lbs and evolve into a healthy, fit me.
Friday, September 30, 2005
So yesterday I had enough gas to power a car! For the past week I've been eating more NS entrees and could tell the difference right away. In addition, I took two Chitosan tablets yesterday (as opposed to the usual one tablet I take). I wasn't sure if I needed to register myself with the government as a deadly weapon or not - but dang...I was dropping bombs! I don't think I'll be taking two anymore.

I'm slowly trying to switch from aspartame to stevia as a sweetner based on the conflicting research out there (I googled "artificial sweetners"). I have a family member presenting symptoms doctors say are consistent with MS and I don't want to be bothered with the question of it being safe. I'd rather consume more natural products. When I think about this stuff I think about Phillip Morris and how they on one hand manufacture cancer sticks, but on the other fund research and do all kinds of "anti" or educational campaigns. What an OXYMORON!!! Capitalism (sigh).

NSV for the day...
I'm wearing a pair of pants my sister gave me as a gift two years ago, but I was too chunky - okay...too fat for em'. The sad thing is, they're already baggy so I don't know if I'll be able to wear them for long. What a sweet Friday morning! I'm wondering...when will other people notice my clothes are hanging off me? LOL

My next project is to figure out how I can position myself so I don't have all kinds of extra skin and folds after I drop all these lbs. I don't have any weights at home and until I stop procrastinating and get some I've been doing arm work with two litre bottles - works quite nicely. I've found that a nice way to multi-task instead of being a couch potato. I can watch one of my favorite shows (Lost), or a football game (preferably the Falcons or Patriots) and do a workout right in front of the t.v. This replaces mindless eating nicely too!

I just got finished talking to my boss about a raise. I'm an office manager in a Christian owned, family-operated business with an owner and co-workers that I love. Somehow they've never conducted reviews or had a schedule for increases. I proposed one :o). I personally like having coaching and mentoring and my personality is purpose driven, so I have been making my own goals and soliciting my own feedback - driving myself. The conversation prompted a slew of ideas and before I knew it we'd come up with some new programs. Mo' money, mo' money!

This weekend should be a good one. The weather is finally cooling off and hopefully we'll get out to the North Georgia fair.

My favorite season, fall, is here. I like the thought of weight and hinderances falling off my body, being brought to death, that in the spring a new outgrowth will appear. Best said...

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

Off to observe the times...
posted by heavenlydm @ 11:05 AM  
  • At 1:57 PM, Blogger Bob said…

    There is something in that NS food that causes some unpleasant side effects, huh? Just stay away from open flames and you will be just fine.

    Congrats on that NSV. Trust me on this, people will notice soon enough. And then it will get to the point that you are tired of hearing it. OK, that's a lie. I am not even close to being tired of it.

    I can't help with the skin thing. I am struggling with that myself. I'll let you know if I can come up with anything.

  • At 4:15 PM, Blogger heavenlydm said…

    ROFL - I can't imagine how married folks handle these unpleasantries...life is hard enough...lol! I thought I was gonna have to walk around with an air neutralizer!

    Anywho, I declined an invitation to eat Mexican food with some friends and they acknowledged how great my daughter and I look. Today someone in the office said something as well. Finally! It seems like it took them forever. I feel like that was a milestone that I needed to mark. That definitely fuels the fire - we need all the encouragement we can get, and I'm big on it.

    I'm becoming a maniac now about the skin thing - lifting whenever I can. It's not the end of the world but I want to position myself for "optimal" results.

    Thanks for checking in Bob!

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Name: heavenlydm
Home: Southeast, United States
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